I who may well be...

Musings from the perspective of a human being who may well be not locatable completely within the usual categories of male or female or gay or straight or transsexual or intersexed or exploiter or exploited or supplier or consumer or performer or spectator.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Andalusia Gender Identity, Kim Perez, considers it necessary to establish a neutral sexual gender

Andalusia Gender Identity, Kim Perez, considers it necessary to establish a neutral sexual gender

She has stated that this case notes that there are men, women and intersexed people, "but the laws have attempted to deny it," so now different partnerships aim to eliminate the sex of personal documents, such as in Spain where there is no difference in rights between different sexes.
The Association of Andalusia Gender Identity, Kim Perez, considers it necessary to establish a neutral sexual gender in Spain

This would include "about 10 percent of the population", for those who do not feel "comfortable "as male or female.

Perez noted in an interview with Efe that the British case of Norrie May-Welby, whom Australian authorities have granted the neutral gender, is "a recognition of a reality that is in all nations and all times".

She has stated that this case notes that there are men, women and intersexed people, "but the laws have attempted to deny it," so now different partnerships aim to eliminate the sex of personal documents, such as in Spain where there is no difference in rights between different sexes.

It considers that the Government should withdraw this aspect of the documents because there can be no "coding that forces people to be men or women". "Society is not used to acknowledging that we exist" added Perez, who hopes that eventually "there will be recognition of the fact that you can not hide", even if you have to accept "mockery, surprise or indignation".

She explained that for a long time "there has been censorship and inquisition" that has forced these people to hide, so that now "society will react with a huge surprise."

Perez said that it is nature "that makes people transgender or intersexual, which is normally discovered during the first insertion at school, where they see that they are not happy neither with one nor the other," so little by little you'll discover yourself, because nobody speaks of the intersexed.

Kim Perez has told EFE that the evolution in Spain in recent years "has been enormous and is a vanguard" which is moving towards a free society, and made reference to the important movement of associations, such as grenadine "fuzzy sets", which argues that there is "a very wide and natural range," where there are men, women, transgender and intersexual.


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