I who may well be...

Musings from the perspective of a human being who may well be not locatable completely within the usual categories of male or female or gay or straight or transsexual or intersexed or exploiter or exploited or supplier or consumer or performer or spectator.

Monday, May 02, 2005


This is text for the back of a flyer promoting I mAy-welby U, a special evening of iconoclasm with politics, colour and movement, starring me, norrie mAy-welby, and Ditzi and friends, and featureing the BrownSkin Asian Male Dancers, 8pm, Monday 23 mAy 2005 @ the Imperial Hotel 35 Erskinveville Rd Erskineville NSW, $20/$15 conc, fundraising for the Refuggee Action Coaliton NSW http://racnsw.org

Because being a sexual outlaw through times when this was actively prosecuted, I know how terrifying it is to be locked up and treated as sub-human.
It’s not surprising that jailers treat their prisoners as sub-human. If they saw them as human, how could they lock them up like caged dogs? There’s a de-humanising price we all pay for the unjust incarceration and torture our government’s policies cause.
People like me whose gender is a little more colourful than black or white are persecuted and executed in many countries, and often have to flee for their lives. If I was born in any of those countries, I would now be dead, or locked in a box in the desert awaiting YOUR mercy.
Or maybe I, or a relative, or a relative of yours, might go a little senile one day, and end up like poor Cornelia Rau, imprisoned and tortured.
As long as these concentration camps stay, none of us are safe from this terror.

And you can see the front of that flyer at:



  • At 10 May, 2005 19:30, Blogger Norrie said…

    Letter to the editor, smh & terror:

    Please, Howard, tell us you won't just let one more Australian be wrongfully incarcerated and/or deported., and then one more, and another, and so on.
    Please tell us you've at least some idea of how many Australians have to be treated badly by our immigration practices before you'll agree to an open Royal Commission into the principle and practices of DIMIA and of the
    corporations who profit from running detention centres.


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